House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas
The House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas, is quite a beacon of hope in the midst of central Texas. The church is located off Highway 190, not too far from I-35. With Dallas, Texas to the north, Austin, Texas to the south, Houston, Texas to the southeast, El Paso, Texas to the West, and Fort Hood, Texas in its backyard. It has within its reach every facet and condition of life to be helped. From tornadoes that ripped through the cities to hurricanes that displaced families and left many helpless, homeless, and hopeless, this church has been some of the first responders to bring food, finances, hope, love, prayer, and shoulders to lean on as well as a listening ear to hear the stories of broken lives. These precious laborers are from House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas, have taken it upon themselves to live Isaiah 1:17, Job 4:3-4, Isaiah 35:1-4 (NIV), which says, “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God. Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”
With the military base only minutes away, the support for our troops and their families is an essential part of the ministry of House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas. Killeen’s very city is mainly supported and sustained by the soldiers and their families, active and retired. Anyone who has been in the military or had a member of your immediate family in the military, then you will understand the Scripture II Timothy 2:3 (NIV), which says, “Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” They go through hard times, and this church is an anchor of hope amid the storms.
House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas military ministry to Fort Hood
Within this remarkable ministry of House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas, we find a treasure of sacrifice, service, and passion engraved in the hearts of the men and women who have chosen to lay down their own lives for others. It is truly a life of sacrifice to help the soldiers and their families through their turbulent lifestyle of training, deployments, missions, stress, and uncertainty. From the newly arriving soldiers fresh out of basic training to the seasoned soldiers whose walls are filled with memorabilia and their bodies bear the scars of war, there are homes whose doors are open, tables that always have room for another chair, and peaceful living rooms to give a home away from home. House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas, provides counsel to our military’s hurting and broken lives with encouragement, direction, and restoration of their hope and confidence with a sense of well-being through scriptures, prayers, fellowship, and services. The Bible says in John 15:9-13, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
From sending off soldiers on deployments to being there for the lonely spouse and children left behind. From sending care packages overseas to answering calls at 3 AM of a soldier in need of a friendly voice. The Bibles declares in Proverbs 25:25, “Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.” From being at the bedside of a soldier hit by an IED to being at the bedside of a child in a bicycle accident whose dad is taking care of those who died in battle. From preventing suicide attempts to getting others to throw away the bottles of alcohol before they drown in its wrath. This ministry of House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas, has, does, and will be there for our men and women in uniform.
House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas Serviceman’s Home
In addition to all the support and outreach of the House of Prayer Christian Church, Killeen, Texas serviceman’s home is an incredibly great, noteworthy cause of hope and a home away from home. This ministry purchased a home for the sole purpose of providing a home-like environment for soldiers who are looking for a spiritual safe, well-balanced environment where they can grow in the Lord while serving their country. There is home-cooked food, fellowship, teaching, and rest; there is always a minister there to help. Parents are welcome and encouraged to come to visit their child, and each parent has testified how much they love this environment beyond words. The joy on their faces and the testimonies of how thankful they are to know that their child is in a safe place where they are learning the fundamental values of Christianity, adulthood, and many other things that come with life, prove the value of this ministry of House of Prayer Christian Church Killeen, Texas serviceman home.
There have been soldiers that turned out to be missionaries who traveled the world, fathers whose children now traveled the country to perform at capitals, monuments, Washington DC, and New York City. Some are IT specialists, mechanics, welders, principals, preachers, teachers, and the list goes on. If the question was asked, “is it worth it?” The testimonies bring about a resounding yes!